Ranger College Charging Pills and Booze to College Credit Card???

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From a College employee, we have learned the board has been on a booze and pill buying spree over the last 6 weeks. Our source who we will call Bobby Joe and who wishes to remain anonymous, tells us that the college administrative staff and board are "past their eyeballs" with anxiety over the very real and highly likely chance they will lose the annexation election. He stated the board and staff are beside themselves because it is imperative they create a new taxing base because of their tremendous debt related to the 10 million bond election that passed last fall. In order to cope, knowing they will most likely lose the election, they have been ordering all types of liquor and have even had a physician prescribe Xanax to board members and staff.

Bobby Joe stated he has witnessed various individuals washing the pills down with the booze with the purchases being made on a college credit card in an attempt to hide the transaction from auditors. They are "chomping down" on this stuff like there is no tomorrow. When asked to explain the rolling paper purchase he stated "only God knows what they be smoking with that stuff".

The election is November 7 in Erath, Brown and Comanche counties. We contacted the opposition group and they stated, "we don't have any information about booze or pills, but nothing would surprise us".

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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