Trump to make history!

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Officials say president Donald Trump has plans to make history with new laws. "Sure we've had Obamacare and even saw changes in taxes for the fiscal year, but what our president has in store is hands down some of the most exciting news of the last century, at least." says Fred Buntz, a well known congressman. So what can we expect of our new president? Well heres some of the things we can expect during his time in office:

1. A new law requiring all single parents raising children to apply for a new fund called "Helping Mom" this will cover the cost of certain medical, dental, and even transportation needs of the single parent. "Theres just not enough help for single parents anymore, this is one way we can help" president Trump said at a meeting last Thursday.

2. Anyone on Tenncare/Medicaid will now also have vision and dental included in their policy.

3. "Making Marijuana legal could increase the lifespan of our people and help those with any personal problems they may be going through" President Trump spoke at a recreational facility for the elderly. (Who knows if this one will really hold.)

4. A new law stating that you must now be at least 18 to drive could save lives.

5. And finally woodstock could be recreated! Sources say Trump plans to host a woodstock/hippie themed gathering by April of 2020. No news yet on where it will be.

Guess we will see what really happens in the next few years!

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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